Read time: 2 minutes
In this audio newsletter, I share my unpopular opinion about romance novels. I discuss how labeling romance as just smut ignores its emotional impact and how romance novels can change lives. I also talk about the importance of dreaming and not letting age or societal expectations hold us back.
Join me as I explore the diverse and powerful world of romance writing.
Grab your favorite beverage and cozy up because we're about to dive into some real talk about writing, life, and everything in between.
Let's get chatty and have some fun!

Hey, my writing friends!
Last week I told you why I almost deleted this entire email list.
(catch that update HERE, if you missed it)
But I didn’t tell you why I’m back.
The truth is…
I’m more passionate than ever about helping writers write addictive romance.
Adulting is overrated.
Worst of all…it creates a ripple effect.
Like we’re too old, too thick, too single, too late to do something different.
And the sad thing is…
Most romance readers want to escape and get lost in a world where love wins.
But they get caught up in work, bills, and life. And then we’re stuck in reality and dreaming seems to escape our grasp.
I think the flips side is we get so caught up in what is so much so that we don’t have time to think about what could be.
The good news is: it doesn’t have to be like this.
You can write books that have your characters swinging on the chandlier and depicting the kind of love that leaves your readers filled with hope and inspiration.
Romance novels are NOT just smut—although some will proudly wave their smutty novels in the air. 🙌🏾
Romance is sweet, dark, slow burn, edgy, emotional, and funny. It’s all these things and more.
And YOU can “write” in a way that highlights diverse cultures, body positivity, fidelity, and happily ever afters that make readers believe in true love.
You can abandon the outdated model of one size fits all and have the kind of romance that helps you to envision YOUR happily ever after too.
This is the work I’ve been doing with clients over the past 20 years. (even while I took a bit of an email hiatus)
But there are only so many hours in a day and I can’t personally work with everyone!
So I’m regularly sending emails again — to get this info into the hands of more closet romance writers!
I’ll be writing about plotting, self editing, and writing using alternative methods like dictation, AI, and collaborations.
And if these emails help even ONE person write “The End” on their romance novel…
It’ll be worth it.
Your honest feedback will help me ensure that we're creating something truly worthwhile, something that serves your needs and desires as a writer.
I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.