October 1


Welcome to Danja Tales!

I’m Dana and I edit romance novels.

Danja Tales is a creative writing space for storytellers. Whether your characters are billionaire bad boys, shifters, or the mafia. Every story and journey is different but the goal’s the same…

You want to write a story that resonates with your ideal reader.

A short story. A novella. An epic fantasy. Self-published. Small press. Traditionally published. Sweet romance. Steamy romance. Dark romance. Contemporary. Paranormal. Fantasy.

And guess what?

I want to help you do it.

I’m looking for fellow writers to accompany on the journey from idea to successfully typing “The End.”

I’ve helped hundreds of authors with everything from reviewing book concepts, to plotting novels, to constructing series from the seed of an idea to holding their book baby in hand.

My clients write romance, suspense/thrillers, paranormal/fantasy, and a handful of faith-based books (devotions, studies, nonfiction, and romance). Some are starting their first novel, others are seasoned and topping the charts.

You landed here for a reason.

I’m pumped to see how YOUR visit might become the next major step in making your writing goals a reality. Let’s start with a not-so-simple question: Where are you in your writing journey?

Meet Me in the Comments

I’d love to hear more about YOU. Where are you in your writing journey?


Announcement, General, Writers Journey

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