September 2


Meet Me on the Page

OMG… I can’t believe we are finally launching Danja Tales. And before you ask it’s pronounced Dane-jah. I think it has a nice ring to it.


I’d like to personally welcome you to a space to learn about writing romance. And as an author of over 25 contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels, I find myself learning and expanding as a writer with every single project.

I find it fun, challenging, and necessary for my clients and my personal work. So, I decided to start blogging, even though many people don’t read blogs as much as we used to.

I’m still taking the dive because we need a space with limited distractions. A safe space to say, we don’t have it all together but we’re growing…together.

What to Expect?

I’ll post blog content via audio and video. I have a line up of writing, story development, and plotting topics I’d like to cover. I’d also love to add your questions in as we progress.

Will the content focus on romance only?

Yes and no.

I’ll explain in detail over the next month or so. But 90% of my editing and story structure clients are romance writers. And every story I write has a romance plot or subplot. So, I plan to focus my attention on this genre through the book selections and the movie examples.

However, I honestly believe writing is writing. When you find a tip or technique that works for you, use it.

Be Warned

I love plotting. I love story structure. I love Story Grid.

One day I hope to become a certified Story Grid editor. But in the meantime, I plan to focus my writing and discussions the Love Story genre with a hint of action and thriller here and there.

Join Me

Who is this blog for?

  • Writers wanting to romance, whether in the plot or subplot.
  • Writers wanting to learn how to become better at plotting.
  • Writers wanting to learn tricks, tips, and techniques for improving their writing.

Last, this blog is for writers looking for community. Now, it’s a small community, but it’s a start. 😉

I look forward to writing more and sharing client projects. Subscribe to my newsletter to stay in the loop. And….

Happy writing!


General, Writing

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