July 13


I Knew I Wanted Her to Be My Editor

Do you remember writing your first novel?

I do and JJ Hicks is one of those authors didn't let his first novel take him under. He's over one hundred thousand words into his epic fantasy trilogy and man... I can't wait until the world reads this story.

"I was grateful to the Story Grid editors that pointed me to Dana Pittman. After reviewing her impressive credentials on www.danjatales.com I scheduled a call with her. By the end of that call, I knew I wanted her to be my editor. I knew I could expect direct honest feedback from her.

After she read my manuscript twice, we had a pair of zoom calls. I have read scores of books on writing, watched hundreds of hours of videos on the craft. Beyond the honest and professional feedback, I got amazing tips and insights into what a story should possess and what my story lacked. Even more than that, Dana gave me practical, actionable steps to address the shortcomings in my book. This was not a simple praise session mixed with a diagnosis assessment. She was a clear, articulate story architect ready with a blueprint about how I, specifically, could go about my rewriting process. What to focus on, how to go about doing it, practical tips to help me manage the process. All with an unwavering confidence and unflagging support tailored to where I was at as a writer. She was and is open and willing to field any questions I might have had as I worked through her notes and the manuscript. I don't know yet where my writing career will lead me, but I do know that no matter where it goes, it will always include a stop with Dana Pittman. That way I can be certain that my story will get leveled up."

J J Hicks
Epic Fantasy Author

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Epic Fantasy, Plot Development, Story Grid, Story Grid Diagnostic

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