November 7


How to Prepare to Write a Scene/Chapter? || Danja Digital Ep 5

Welcome back to Danja Digital!

Today, I share six questions to prepare a scene/chapter. I also give you three bare-bones questions to write YOUR next scene/chapter.

Let's jump in!


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Newsletter Highlights

(Free) Author Event: Planathon


I'm joining Nicole live on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. We plan to discuss planning YOUR writing.

New Release: Dark Captor


My Enemy murdered My wife and My Father, So I Took His Daughter...

I stole the Bratva princess.

And, locked her away on my island.

An eye for an eye.
A tooth for a tooth.

Blood for blood.

Stealing Isabella is the only way to find her father.

I just wasn’t prepared for the temptation of her.

Or, the effect she’d have on my cold dead heart.

One taste I shouldn’t have had and I wanted more.

She’s my captive
My enemy’s daughter.

Being with her is unthinkable.

Yet, I want to claim her, take her, own her.

Make her mine.

The deal was a life for a life.

I’m just not sure I want to give her back when the time comes.

New Release: Blazin' Love Box Set


The Blazin’ Love Series follows ten girlfriends—all with guy names—affectionately known as the GIB, the guys in black.

Join them, as they work together building a luxury concierge service based in Austin, Texas.

Be prepared to laugh, cry, and walk away an official member of the GIB. You’ll sooo want girlfriends like these and you’ll drool over the men who can’t resist women ready to take charge of their lives.

These steamy holiday novellas are standalone books, but it’s best if read in order. Hence this LIMITED EDITION box set featuring BWWM romance, a secret baby romance, a single dad, millionaire women, alpha men, and most of all TEN happily-ever-afters.

Get ready for a ride of a lifetime in this binge-worthy series!

Featured Content: Viewer Question

What preparation do you do before you start writing, to get the scene into your head deeply enough that you can write from a deep place, your heart and discover new layers?
Revisit Episode 3:
Some of my questions are:
  • Who is the point of view character?
  • What is the plot point? Why is this chapter in this books?
  • How does this chapter impact the romance?
  • What drives the character in this chapter?
  • What are some emotions encountered in the chapter?
    • Inciting Incident
    • Turning Point
    • Crisis
    • Climax
    • Resolution
My Bare-bones Questions are:
  1. What’s going to happen to her/him?
  2. Why is it important to her/him AND the story?
  3. How will this occurrence impact the story?

Book Recommendations

I read almost every book release concerning plotting, outlining, character development, etc because I'm fascinated by them and I love to learn. With that said, here are a few you might want to add to your library to help you write a better scene.

These are affiliate links.

I’d Love to Hear from You

  • Clients submit your good news and project updates.
  • Viewers submit your questions.


How do YOU prepare to write a scene? Do you have a list of questions? I'd love to see them in the comments.


Book Recommendations, Chapter Development, Writing

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