October 24


How do Prepare for NaNoWriMo? Look Inside my Scrivener File. || Danja Digital Ep 3

Welcome back to Danja Digital! Today, we're taking a field trip into a Scrivener file. But this field trip is NOT about Scrivener but how I create a firm foundation for writing a story.


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Featured Content: Creating Your Story Foundation

We take a field trip into my Scrivener document. I share how I move from idea to prepping to write a book. This is true whether I'm writing a novel, novella, short story, even a plot for a client.

Featured Service: Story Chat

Need help preparing for NaNoWriMo? Book a Story Chat.

The Story Chat is ideal when you are stuck. Is a scene kicking your butt? Are you writing in a new genre? You have an idea and want to brainstorm, making it a duet, trilogy, or series? You know something is off, but you're not quite sure.

You'd rather talk with an experienced novelist and editor than searching Google for hours. And now, you have me for an hour to get unstuck and back to work.

Learn more about the one-hour chat and the three-hour chat.

I’d Love to Hear from You

  • Clients submit your good news and project updates.
  • Viewers submit your questions.


What are YOU working on? How’s it going? Let’s chat in the comments.


Genre, Getting Unstuck, NaNoWriMo, Plotting, Scrivener, Skeleton Outline, Story Chat, Story Development, Story Grid, Story Spine, Story Summary, Writing

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